Camille C. Akpulonu graduated from Fisk University with a degree in Computer Science. She currently works in Information Technology for the State of California. She lives in Sacramento, California with her husband and tHree kids. Her love for writing began with writing short stories as a child and in college poetry. This love grew to sharing exciting stories with children so that they may see diversity in books and feed their imaginations.
Publishing The Adventures of Bubblegum Bobby has been a dream of Camille’s for a long time. The idea started over 15 years ago and has blossomed into a wonderful story for young children.
Camille’s hobbies include: crafting (sewing, crocheting and miscellaneous projects), hiking, biking and interval running. Reading, writing, Traveling and imagining are some of her most favorite things to do. She hopes visiting this website will inspire you to do the same!